Agroecology and sustainable food systems is devoted to the rapidly emerging fields of agroecology and food system sustainability. Agroecology provides a foundation for developing the alternative food systems of the future. Supporting the development and expansion of agroecology production and revenue in the Moya and Mayoka communities is the Project’s overarching goal.
This will be accomplished by:
putting in place a capacity-building program that focuses on agroecology and entrepreneurial skills for at least 100 farmers year, or 300 in total, and reaching 1200 adult citizens. Increasing farmer productivity capability by giving them access to four more water supply points for irrigation, four tractors, a central crop storage facility (Ghala), and seed money to pay for inputs. Enhancing institutional assistance through aiding in the formation and operations of a Community Conservation Bank(COCOBA) and a Farmers Association. An annual socioeconomic profile approach centered on the participating farmer households will be utilized to evaluate the project’s success. The project’s ultimate goal is to raise the amount of money generated via agroecology, with a target of more than doubling it compared to the baseline set in the first year of the project.
The Mayoka and Moya settlements in the Babati District of northern Tanzania are the main focus of the Lake Manyara Agroecology Project. These are remote rural communities that are bordered by Marang Forest Reserve to the west, Lake Manyara National Park to the north, and Lake Manyara to the east (see map). For more than ten years, the Wild Impact has collaborated with these two communities, focusing on meeting their basic requirements in terms of better primary healthcare and early primary and secondary education. One of the main projects is the Mayoka Clinic’s accommodations for doctors and nurses. The Mayoka and Moya Primary Schools’ expansion. The starting of Tara Getty Secondary School and its continuous growth.
Furthermore, Wild Impact has sponsored a partnership between TANAPA and the Mayoka community to reduce bush encroachment, as well as awarded 76 university bursaries to local scholars. For these two villages, the next big thing is to create local business potential, with a focus on maximizing their agricultural potential.
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